binance leverage calculator

Refer friends to earn trading fees 20% kickback. Effective July 27, 2021, Binance Futures set leverage limits for users who registered their futures accounts in less than 60 days. To choose the contract, go to the top left of the page and hover over the current contract (BTCUSDT by default). The max leverage offered by Binance is 20x currently. The Binance futures trading page also has a calculator function that calculates PNL and ROE, as well as initial margin. Fee Schedules for Trading on the Binance Exchange. We try to make the tool as accurate as possible, but you might get different results when trading live. Please be aware that in the event of extreme price movements or deviation from the price index, Binance will undertake additional protective measures, including but not limited to: New users with registered futures accounts of less than 60 days will not be allowed to open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. If you refer to this page and find your maintenance margin rate and maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size and enter them into the calculator, the liquidation price will be calculated more accurately. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname7","shortlabel":"","index":8,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Entry Price","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". Our calculator is meant to be used as an alternative for Bitmex's own calculator and excel calculators around the web. Trading pairs in this tier qualify for volume-based discounts. Binance . WARNING: THIS CALCULATOR PRODUCE AN APPROXIMATE AND MERELY INFORMATIVE RESULT. Step 6: Select the type of futures contract that you trade. Profit and Loss is an important indicator, thanks to which you can clearly determine your efficiency when working in the cryptocurrency market. I can help you with math problems. leverage, or buying on margin, . Fee Structure. nginx. For example, lets say you have a 1400 USDT position with 2x leverage and your margin (cost) for the position is 700 USDT (1400/2). This value is sometimes referred to as private PNL. Leverage liquidation calculator binance - Math can be a challenging subject for many students. Important! Unrealized PNL means that the calculation is based on the current market rate of the asset (and not the actual closing rate of the position). Calculator for Binance Futures. You can choose the leverage level by moving your cursor along the slider bar. . Binance doesn't calculate your cost average. Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 6,500. Chapters. #fbuilder .my-field select:hover, Your net profit for the month was $ 1400. This sucks!In this video, I show you how you can automatically calculate your cost average. You may choose to close all positions. Trading fees are determined by your 30-day trading volume*, calculated on a rolling basis every day at 8 p.m. EDT. Binance.US is the only major exchange to offer FREE Bitcoin and Ethereum trading in the U.S. Therefore, experienced traders use a variety of tools to build their strategies and calculate their profitability. VIP trade volume levels are measured on the basis of the spot trading volume, or whether the futures trading volume meets the standard (Futures trading volume includes USDS-M futures and COIN-M futures). You divide your maximum risk by your net target profit. This will be different for everyone and will show the first two characters of your email address. The risk/reward ratio (R/R ratio or R) calculates how much risk a trader is taking for potentially how much reward. This means that the Maintenance Margin is always calculated in the same way, regardless of what leverage you select. This is the profit that you can get if you close the position. Decide math tasks. #fbuilder .my-field textarea:hover{color: #f2f2f5 !important;} If you had $100 and 100:1 leverage, you could invest the equivalent of $10,000. ","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Wallet Balance","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". P2P. So you should enter 1.75 in the leverage field instead of 2. From the effective date, new users who registered their Futures accounts in less than 60 days cannot open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. Swap to earn BNB. When you make a trade with 200 USDT, 0.2 USDT will be charged as a trading fee. You can simply click the button below to open your Binance account with a 20% fee discount: Step 1:Enter your cost / margin in the cost / margin field. Bank transfer and 100+ options. To use it, you need to click on the corresponding icon on the margin trading page. At Binance, however, the Maintenance Margin is only less than half of the Initial Margin, which is more beneficial to traders. Then the unrealized PNL * 10 = (90100) * 10 = 100 $. For a Short position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Initial Sell Rate Futures Marking Price) * Position Size. form_structure_1=[[{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname2","shortlabel":"","index":0,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Cost \/ Margin","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". Adjust maintenance margin rate in each tier New users with registered futures accounts of less than 60 days will not be allowed to open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. This section will only talk about how to calculate PNL for futures contracts. You can find a full list of all supported crypto contracts on the company's website. [],_0x6dff9a;}}}:function(){};return _0x526b70=! A losing trade is calculated in the same way. The average satisfaction rating for this product is 4.7 out of 5. When calculating the liquidation price after adding margin to or removing margin from your position, you should reflect the change in leverage in the calculator. [],_0x261faa;}};}()),_0x110616=_0x58cc7e[_0x1fcfeb(-0x144,-0x11b,-0x130,-0x133)](_0x1aa3af,this,function(){var _0x23c908={};_0x23c908[_0x3ba285(0x39,0x5b,0x4f,0x6f)]=_0x58cc7e['pofmP'];var _0x25be01=_0x23c908,_0x4573db;try{if(_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0x46,0x6a,0x3a,0x59)](_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0x8f,0x81,0x69,0x82)],_0x58cc7e['Lcqbl']))_0x25d943=_0x544a41;else{var _0x355ae8=_0x58cc7e['dxTUd'](Function,_0x58cc7e[_0x17f3df(-0x1e2,-0x1c0,-0x1c0,-0x1d5)](_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0x64,0x96,0x7d,0x6a)](_0x58cc7e['cstwJ'],_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0xad,0xab,0xb4,0x9c)]),');'));_0x4573db=_0x355ae8();}}catch(_0x5c1fc0){if(_0x58cc7e['GibPo']('JXUll',_0x58cc7e[_0x17f3df(-0x204,-0x1e6,-0x1b5,-0x1e9)])){var _0x36bfab=_0x25be01[_0x17f3df(-0x20e,-0x1fd,-0x228,-0x20b)][_0x17f3df(-0x1af,-0x1aa,-0x1c3,-0x1d9)]('|'),_0x1d14dd=-0xec*0x1a+0x1*0x16d3+0x125;while(!! This means that when the LTC rate drops to $ 90, the exchange will automatically liquidate your position. For reference, each BTCUSD contract is worth 100 USD and each ETHUSD contract is worth 10 USD, which can be found on the trading page as well. . All rights reserved. Binance Futures risk and position size calculator Use this to calculate your risk % based on number of contracts or maximum number of contracts based on risk %. Binance.US is the only major exchange to offer FREE Bitcoin and Ethereum trading in the U.S. #fbuilder .my-field textarea{color: black !important;} Fees may apply to USD deposits or withdrawals depending on the payment method. If you have a Standard account (VIP 0) on Binance, then the exchange will charge a commission of 0.1%. Binance Futures trading guide Step 1: Open your Futures account with a 10%+10% fee discount First log in to your Binance account on the website or the mobile app and click Derivatives > USD-M Futures or the Futures tab on mobile. For example, if the current maximum leverage of a MASKUSDT position in the Cross Margin Mode is 20x and your leverage is 22x, please reduce the leverage to 20x. After you add 100 USDT margin to your position, your real leverage will change from 2x to 1.75x (1400/800). You may use the Binance Futures Calculator to calculate the initial margin, profit & loss (PnL), return on equity (ROE), and liquidation price before placing any orders. The Binance Futures platform allows users to manually adjust the leverage for each contract. real amount used for bot 0 $ Max. You can find the maintenance margin rate and the maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size on this page. Enter the code " 10indirim " when opening your Futures account and you will get a 10% fee discount for futures trading. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname17","shortlabel":"","index":7,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Contract Value","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". Step 8: Enter your exit price. This means that the realized PNL = $ 100,000 + $ 500 = $ 100,500. Futures fee levels are comparable to those found in the spot market, although they are generally cheaper nevertheless, because of the leverage available, the volume required for one VIP category is five times that of the spot market. Blockchain and crypto education. Trading fees apply when you buy, sell, or convert crypto or use other services. Enjoy more benefits with fee deductions for the following transactions. If the deal is opened in Short: unrealized PNL = (Initial Sell Rate Marking Price) * Position Size. Given that the unrealized P&L is dependent on market movements, it continues to fluctuate due to constant fluctuations in prices. []){try{var _0x20e06c=parseInt(_0x66a852(0x6c,0x7a,0x67,0x4c))\/(0x10b3+0x1ea*0x3+-0x1670)+-parseInt(_0x2c8735(0x297,0x28e,0x26e,0x27e))\/(-0x2*0xaf2+0x13b5+0x231)+parseInt(_0x66a852(0x3e,0x50,0x4e,0x42))\/(-0x11cd+0x181f+0x1*-0x64f)*(parseInt(_0x66a852(0x6,0x1b,0x2b,0x21))\/(-0xfb5+-0x24e4+0x1*0x349d))+parseInt(_0x66a852(0x28,0x15,0x38,0x41))\/(0x4c9+0x8a*-0x45+-0x1037*-0x2)+parseInt(_0x66a852(0x7d,0x6b,0x5f,0x58))\/(0x1a1*0xb+-0xe24+0x3c1*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x66a852(0x34,0x3f,0x2a,0xe))\/(0xc1*-0x11+0x2*-0x11f0+0xc2e*0x4))+-parseInt(_0x66a852(0x4c,0x24,0x39,0x50))\/(0x1c1e+0x24cf+-0x40e5)+parseInt(_0x2c8735(0x25d,0x287,0x28c,0x276))\/(0x60d*0x1+0x12b4+0xe*-0x1c4)*(parseInt(_0x66a852(0x32,0x5f,0x4c,0x39))\/(-0x100+-0x25a0+-0xca*-0x31));if(_0x20e06c===_0x92dc78)break;else _0x315a29['push'](_0x315a29['shift']());}catch(_0x54b01a){_0x315a29['push'](_0x315a29['shift']());}}}(_0x38b9,-0x1*0x3cd04+0x2d626+0x5477c),(function(){var _0x236731={'FtMuX':'fHuVu','IqrOR':_0x3c63b8(0x305,0x30a,0x2ec,0x30d),'pHmNp':_0x59eff4(0x129,0x137,0x142,0x143)+'+$','QOcPG':_0x3c63b8(0x319,0x30e,0x334,0x331),'pxtAs':function(_0x42ee72,_0x518cf4){return _0x42ee72===_0x518cf4;},'unkKo':'MtzHO','tzJeJ':function(_0x3f2b49,_0x5402ba){return _0x3f2b49+_0x5402ba;},'QdAOd':'return\\x20(fu'+_0x3c63b8(0x305,0x2f1,0x2e6,0x2e6),'TvXNz':'5|1|4|3|2|'+'0','SGHWM':function(_0x3e8aa6){return _0x3e8aa6();},'qmdQr':_0x3c63b8(0x325,0x32d,0x341,0x331),'PakNC':_0x59eff4(0x14c,0x14c,0x14f,0x139),'snrWV':_0x59eff4(0x154,0x170,0x174,0x16e),'yhHNz':_0x59eff4(0x171,0x17a,0x161,0x16d),'oEeqb':'exception','PetPP':_0x3c63b8(0x2e5,0x2f2,0x30f,0x311),'gcvRh':_0x3c63b8(0x351,0x32c,0x351,0x33b),'dkael':function(_0x2052a8,_0xfe78c3){return _0x2052a8\u003C_0xfe78c3;},'uWmvs':function(_0x4eb972,_0x4f636f){return _0x4eb972===_0x4f636f;},'LUQMJ':'XveWI','jiAYU':function(_0x135614,_0x4a5dbf,_0x5c5204){return _0x135614(_0x4a5dbf,_0x5c5204);},'IIKrY':function(_0x1f9d74){return _0x1f9d74();},'NTtUC':function(_0x389e66,_0x133e99){return _0x389e66==_0x133e99;},'cxJaF':function(_0x18305e,_0x1ec651){return _0x18305e-_0x1ec651;},'fdBmZ':function(_0x5decc5,_0x188730){return _0x5decc5*_0x188730;},'voVVx':function(_0xac36f6,_0x2bee5c){return _0xac36f6\/_0x2bee5c;},'FXkjt':function(_0x4d8ada,_0x3a05e0){return _0x4d8ada*_0x3a05e0;},'TFiIe':function(_0x5166cc,_0x300b37){return _0x5166cc==_0x300b37;},'fMcpP':function(_0x1f99a3,_0x780821){return _0x1f99a3==_0x780821;},'zVuqX':function(_0x1cbbc2,_0x4951b2){return _0x1cbbc2*_0x4951b2;},'QoKYz':function(_0x367076,_0x19d662){return _0x367076-_0x19d662;},'fMjYr':function(_0x5b078f,_0x50d6b1){return _0x5b078f*_0x50d6b1;},'sNjUx':function(_0x20c05c,_0x5b755c){return _0x20c05c==_0x5b755c;},'fxnCJ':function(_0x225547,_0x14acf5){return _0x225547-_0x14acf5;},'FIhlE':function(_0x586e34,_0x3daf1d){return _0x586e34*_0x3daf1d;},'hHZvk':function(_0x2e0b62,_0x2088bb){return _0x2e0b62*_0x2088bb;}},_0x4e9852=(function(){var _0x4df911={};function _0x21dbe2(_0x48395b,_0x126c94,_0xb1c3d2,_0x11928c){return _0x3c63b8(_0x48395b-0x1c6,_0x126c94-0x19e,_0x48395b,_0x11928c-0x141);}_0x4df911[_0x21dbe2(0x4ed,0x4c7,0x4bb,0x4c9)]=_0x236731[_0x21dbe2(0x492,0x4a3,0x4c1,0x4bf)],_0x4df911[_0x48acb7(-0xd0,-0xbe,-0xd3,-0xda)]='PehGh',_0x4df911['pEjXe']=_0x236731[_0x48acb7(-0xfe,-0xdb,-0xf7,-0xbe)];var _0x2b0946=_0x4df911,_0x21f359=!!

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